Sign up to Líofa Make a personal pledge to become more fluent in Irish by joining the Líofa campaign!Read more
Líofa 2025 opens for applications 04 February 2025 The Department for Communities has today announced that the 2025 Líofa Gaeltacht Bursary Scheme is open for applications from Monday 3 February 2025.
What is Líofa? The word Líofa means ‘fluent’ and this is precisely what The Líofa Initiative strives to achieve – a greater number of fluent Irish speakers. We at Líofa aim to encourage as many people as possible to make a personal pledge to improve their Irish, and in doing so, to join a community of like-minded people focused on learning and using the language. We also aim to support learners at any stage on their language journey, as the Irish proverb goes Ní neart go cur le chéile, which means that together we're stronger.